Thanks Mum!! Caring for Your Bub’s Oral Health
As we celebrate Mother’s Day this month, we thought it the perfect excuse to look at Mum’s oral health and how it affects their child’s dental health. Mums need to take care of their oral health right from pregnancy onwards, and especially after the baby is born, because harmful bacteria can be transferred from the mum’s mouth to their infants from something as simple as kissing. Also, mothers are often the child’s most important role model, especially when it comes to good oral care.
Pre-pregnancy and Pregnancy Checkups
Ideally, if you are considering having a baby, it’s best to visit us before conception so we can check your oral health and provide any necessary treatment. However, we know this isn’t always possible, so as soon as you learn the happy news make an appointment to come and visit us for a proper checkup. During pregnancy, routine dental care is perfectly safe, including many dental procedures such as fillings and hygiene appointments. When we treat anyone pregnant, we always take the utmost care to protect them and the unborn child, and it’s often safer to receive dental care than leave a dental problem untreated. Also, we can help make sure you have optimal dental health, which is extremely important once your baby arrives.
Caring for Your Baby’s Mouth
You can start looking after your baby’s oral health by cleaning their mouth gently using a damp washcloth or damp gauze to remove milk residue after feeding. This also helps get a baby used to the sensation of having their mouth cleaned and developing a regular oral routine. Babies begin to get their first teeth from six months onward, an exciting milestone that means you can book their first dental visit.
Booking That First Dental Visit
Good professional dental care can start much earlier than you’d imagine. Ideally, a child needs to see a dentist by age one just for a quick checkup and to ensure everything is developing as expected. It’s a very quick visit where your child can sit on your lap while we gently examine their teeth if they will let us! We can also discuss how to brush your bub’s teeth, including which toothbrush to use and what toothpaste. We can show you some useful techniques, tips and tricks to make brushing a breeze for you both.
Enjoying Good Dental Health as a Family
You probably remember that your mum taught you to brush your teeth. We are betting that she also regularly accompanied you to the dentist, hopefully teaching you why dental visits are important. As a family-oriented dental practice, we always encourage mums to accompany children during dental visits, but equally, we also encourage other family members like dads, grandparents, and siblings to get involved with a child’s dental care. When a child has good role models to follow, it’s much easier for them to develop a regular oral care routine and to feel no fear about visiting the dentist regularly.